Nomination for the Board of Directors 2022/2023

The Nomination Forms are available for download here: 2022/2023 Nomination Form
Completed nomination forms should be addressed to ‘the Nomination committee’ in a sealed envelope and delivered to the mail box at the following address or emailed to
Nomination Committee
Canadian Tamils’ Chamber of Commerce
80 Travail Rd, Unit 1 & 2,
Markham, Ontario.
L3S 3J1
Please note that the due date for the nomination application submission is October 5, 2022, at 6:00 PM. All nominations are to be received on or before this time and date.
An election of the Board of Directors for the 2022/2023 year will be held to fill nine (9) positions. All positions will be for a term of one (1) year. Only members who have paid their current membership dues at the time of the AGM shall be eligible to vote. We encourage members to renew their membership in order to be eligible to participate and vote at the AGM.
Eligibility considerations for nominations to the Board of Directors
Any Nominee to the Board of Directors shall be an active member in good standing, who has attended 50% or more of the CTCC’s general meetings preceding the election year and shall have paid their membership dues on or before April 30th, 2022.
- No person shall be qualified to stand for election to the Board of Directors if:
- He or she is not engaged in business and/or in a profession accredited by a licensing body,
- He or she is not a voting member of the Chamber,
- He or she is not a designated voting representative of a Chamber member which is an organization,
- He or she is under 18 years of age,
- He or she is of unsound mind and has been so found by a court in Canada or elsewhere,
- He or she is not an individual,
- He or she is holding the office of Past President on the Board of Directors in the current fiscal year,
- He or she is a current member of the advisory panel or in the immediate past one (1) year,
- He or she holds public elected office at the municipal, provincial or federal level,
- He or she is an undischarged bankrupt,
- He or she is criminally convicted for which a pardon has not been received,
- He or she is an office holder or is contesting or announcing candidacy in any public office, political party and/or registered or non-registered political organization.
Additional eligibility requirement for the post of President:
Persons nominated for the post of President shall have served on the CTCC Board of Directors for at least two (2) years at any point in the Chamber’s history.
Important dates:
Application cut off: October 5, 2022, at 6:00 PM. No nominations shall be accepted after this date.
Voluntary withdrawal: October 12, 2022, at 6:00 PM. Any candidate who wishes to voluntarily withdraw his/her nomination shall do so by this date.
Candidate announcement: October 14, 2022. All remaining candidates and their respective positions shall be announced by this date.
Member input: October 21, 2022. All members shall have until this date to raise any concerns to the nomination committee about the identified candidates.
AGM will be held on October 29, 2022
Ari A. Ariaran, CPA
VP – Internal Affairs
Canadian Tamils’ Chamber of Commerce
416 293 1616